Submitting a complaint

You can submit a complaint or provide feedback by using one of the following methods:

Complaints about our services

Service NSW is committed to providing excellent customer service and every attempt is made to deal with complaints on the spot, however, if you would like to submit a complaint we would like to assure you that we will act in an open and honest manner, and within clear timeframes.

Our priority is to respond to complaints within 20 business days unless it involves a complex matter or requires specialist investigation. In these instances you will be kept updated on the progress of your complaint. We will endeavour to respond to queries at the point of escalation and preferably within 72 hours. 

To ensure Service NSW handles complaints fairly, efficiently and effectively, we adhere to the Service NSW Complaints Handling Policy. This policy applies to all Service NSW employees receiving or managing complaints from the public made to or about us, regarding our services, employees and complaint handling.

Complaints about other agencies

Any complaint we receive regarding another government agency will either be forwarded to that agency for their action and response or resolved directly by Service NSW. If your complaint is referred to another agency we will notify you of this transfer.

If you contact us by phone we will endeavour to transfer your call to the relevant agency, or provide you with that agency's contact details.

What if I want to remain anonymous?

You can choose to remain anonymous when you submit a complaint. Anonymous complaints will be registered and referred to the relevant area for review. Although we won’t be able to respond to your concerns, anonymous complaints can provide us with useful information that can lead to service improvements. 

Who will contact me?

You will be contacted by either the Customer Resolution Coordinator, the manager responsible for the service you complain about, or the manager’s delegate.

Once you are contacted, the person will try to resolve your complaint, or alternatively, you will be provided that person’s contact details so you can check on the progress of your complaint if it requires further investigation or input from another agency/person.

What if I am not satisfied?

If you are not satisfied with our response, please advise us and we will organise to carry out an internal review.

You can do this by contacting the person you have been dealing with and making this request. Your complaint will then be escalated internally to an appropriate person for review and response.

If you are still not satisfied you may wish to contact:

Chief Executive Officer, Service NSW
GPO Box 7057
Sydney NSW 2001

Phone: 13 77 88

You may also contact:

NSW Ombudsman*
Level 24, 580 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000

Phone: (02) 9286 1000
Toll free: 1800 451 524 (Australia wide)

*The NSW Ombudsman generally expects complainants to try to resolve their concerns directly with the agency before they will consider becoming involved.

What will happen to the information I give you?

The way we collect, store and use any of your personal information is regulated by law. Further information regarding the privacy of your information can be viewed on the Privacy page.

Last updated: 14 January 2025