The NSW Government is helping reduce the cost of living with more than 70 rebates and vouchers.
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Energy and utilities
Compare energy plans
Energy Made Easy is an energy price comparison service for households and small businesses.
Family Energy Rebate
Helps families receiving the Family Tax Benefit with their electricity costs.
NSW Gas Rebate
Helps concession card holders with their gas costs.
Low Income Household Rebate
Helps concession card holders with their electricity costs.
Pensioner Water Rebate
Pensioners may be able to save on their water bill.
Energy Accounts Payment Assistance (EAPA) vouchers
Helps people experiencing a short-term financial crisis or emergency with their electricity and gas bills.
Discounted Energy Efficient Lighting
You may be able to have the cost of replacement LED bulbs and their installation subsidised.
Free essential plumbing with Sydney Water
The PlumbAssist service helps people experiencing financial difficulties deal with essential plumbing repairs.
Get help with Sydney Water bills
Sydney Water customers who need help with their bills can request payment assistance.
Get help with Hunter Water bills
Hunter Water customers who need help with their bills can request payment assistance.
Toll relief – $60 weekly cap
Eligible motorists that spend between $60 and $400 a week on tolls can claim a rebate.
Toll relief – 40% rebate
Eligible motorists can claim a rebate of up to $802 if they spent $402 or more on tolls in the 2023-24 financial year.
Apprentice Registration Rebate
Help for first or second year apprentices with vehicle registration costs.
Green Slip Price Check (CTP Calculator)
Compare prices from all insurers for the most common vehicle types.
Pensioner Concessions on Vehicle Registrations
Pensioners don't have to pay registration fees or motor vehicle tax.
Pensioner Concessions on Driver Licence Renewal
Pensioners can receive free Driver Licence renewals.
M5 cashback scheme
You can claim back the cost of tolls paid (excluding GST) while using the M5 Motorway.
Large Towed Recreational Vehicle Toll Rebate
Drivers towing caravans, boats and horse floats are eligible for cheaper tolls on Sydney's motorways.
FuelCheck – online tool
Find the cheapest fuel at service stations near you.
NRMA's Free2Go
Free roadside assistance for drivers aged 16 to 20.
Caravan and camper trailer motor vehicle registration
Save 40% on your registration's vehicle tax component when you apply to register a caravan or camper trailer.
Driving tests
Pensioners are able to sit their driving test for free.
Mobility Parking Scheme permits
Pensioners get concessions on the cost of Mobility Parking Scheme permits.
Motorcycle Operator Skill Test
Part of getting your P1 rider licence involves a practical riding test. If you’re a pensioner, the test is free.
Safer Drivers Course
Some learner drivers can take the Safer Drivers course for free.
Carers Registration Refund
Commonwealth Carer Allowance recipients get a refund on some of the vehicle tax paid when registering a vehicle.
Motor vehicle transfer
DVA pensioners pay no stamp duty or transfer fee when transferring a motor vehicle rego.
Check vehicles eligible for motor vehicle tax concession
Operators of vehicles that have a lower impact on the environment may be able to save when registering the vehicle.
Driver Knowledge Tests
The Driver Knowledge Test is free for some learner drivers.
Public transport
Pensioner Travel Vouchers
Free and discounted travel on NSW TrainLink Regional services for pensioners.
Public Transport Concessions and Entitlements
Many concessions are available to help with the cost of public transport.
Opal cards
Using an Opal card gives you cheaper fares including daily and weekly fare caps.
Regional Travel Benefits
Discounted train and coach tickets, and unlimited travel with Discovery Pass.
Taxi Transport Subsidy Scheme
Support for people who cannot use public transport because of a severe and permanent disability.
Transport Concessions For Tertiary Students
Tertiary students can access concessions to help with the cost of public transport.
Transport Concessions For Apprentices/Trainees
Apprentices/Trainees can access concessions to help with the cost of public transport.
Life Support Energy Rebate
Helps with the cost of running energy-intensive medical equipment at home.
Medical Energy Rebate
Helps people with medical conditions affecting their body temperature with their electricity costs.
NSW Spectacles Program
Free glasses and optical aids.
Provides equipment for eligible people in NSW who live with chronic health conditions or disability.
Isolated Patients Travel and Accommodation Assistance Scheme (IPTAAS)
Helps cover expenses for patients who travel long distances for treatment.
Concession car parking fees at NSW public hospitals
Reduced fees when accessing public hospital car parking.
Pre-IVF Fertility Testing Rebate
Helps cover the out-of-pocket costs of fertility testing.
Apply for the Fertility Treatment Rebate-2
Helps with the costs of IVF and other Assisted Reproductive Technology treatments.
NSW Seniors Card or NSW Senior Savers Card
Seniors can enjoy discounts and special offers at thousands of businesses across NSW.
Seniors energy rebate
Helps Commonwealth Seniors Health Card holders with their electricity costs.
Gold seniors Opal card
Senior card holders get unlimited travel for no more than $2.50 a day, when using public transport services in selected regions.
Pensioner travel vouchers
Free and discounted travel on NSW TrainLink Regional services for pensioners.
National parks discount for seniors
Seniors Card holders can get 20% off all annual passes.
Making a will
Eligible pensioners can prepare a will with NSW Trustee and Guardian for free.
Pensioner concessions on driver licence renewal
Pensioners can receive free driver licence renewals.
Find out about vehicle registration concessions for pensioners
Pensioners don't have to pay registration fees or motor vehicle tax.
Driving tests
Pensioners are able to sit their driving test for free.
Toll Relief Rebate
Eligible motorists can claim a rebate of up to $802 if they spent $402 or more on tolls in the 2023-24 financial year.
Active and Creative Kids
Parents, guardians and carers receiving Family Tax Benefit can apply for a $50 voucher twice a year.
School Student Transport Scheme
School students can get free or subsidised travel between home and school, on NSW public transport.
Assisted School Travel Program (ASTP)
Helps students with a disability to get to and from school.
Start Strong program for preschool children
Funding for approved community and mobile preschools and long day care services across NSW.
Recreation and leisure
National Parks Concession Pass
Free car entry into all fee-collecting NSW National Parks for pensioners and veterans.
National Parks Discount With Rego Renewal
Discount off annual passes when you renew your rego.
Recreational Fishing Fee Exemption
Customers may not have to pay the recreational fishing licence fee.
Vessel registration
Pensioners who operate a vessel that requires registration get a 50% discount on the registration fee.
General boat driving licence
To drive a vessel at more than 10 knots, you need a general boat driving licence. Pensioners are entitled to a 50% discount on the licence fee.
Private mooring licences
Registered vessel owners who meet certain criteria get 50% off their annual licence fee.
Companion card
Companion Card holders receive a free ticket for their carer or companion when buying tickets at selected venues and facilities around NSW.
Council rate rebates
Concessions are available to pensioners on their council rates.
Private rental assistance
You can apply for assistance to help you set up and maintain a tenancy in the private rental market, through Housing Pathways.
Rent Choice subsidy
Rent Choice is a private rental subsidy that helps clients pay their rent for up to 3 years.
First Home Buyers Assistance Scheme
Save on transfer duty when buying your first home.
Apply for the First Home Owner Grant
If you’re a first-home buyer and you’re buying or building a new home, you may qualify for a grant.
More savings
Revenue NSW Unclaimed Money
Search and claim your lost money online using the Revenue NSW website.
Find Return and Earn collection points
Get a refund when you hand in drink containers at collection points throughout NSW.
Smart and Skilled Subsidy
Prospective students may be able to get subsidised training for selected courses.
NSW Photo Card
NSW Photo Cards are a handy form of photo identification, and they’re free for pensioners and seniors.
Fee-free apprenticeships
Fee-free apprenticeships are available for all new apprentices and their employers under the Smart and Skilled program.
Fee-free training courses
Find a training course to get the skills needed for Australia's growth industries. Hundreds of courses are on offer at thousands of locations.
NSW Trustee and Guardian discount
If you make a basic will, Power of Attorney and Enduring Guardianship together, you can save money.
Making a Power of Attorney
NSW Trustee and Guardian offers eligible pensioners free preparation of their Power of Attorney document.
Find a No Interest Loans Scheme (NILS) provider
The No Interest Loans Scheme (NILS) offers people on low incomes safe and affordable access to credit.
CAPS relocation and rental assistance
Financial assistance for apprentices who need to relocate more than 60km for a new employer.
VTAS travel and accommodation allowance
Financial assistance for apprentices who need to travel more than 120kms to attend training.