If you're a pensioner, you may be eligible for concessions on your vehicle registration in NSW.
Eligible pensioners do not pay:
- registration fees
- motor vehicle tax
- conditional registration fees
- transfer fee and stamp duty (Note: the holders of Department of Veterans' Affairs Gold Cards printed with War Widow or War Widower are not eligible).
The registration concession is for one vehicle per person. If the vehicle is registered in joint names the concession applies only if both of you are eligible.
To find out more, visit Transport for NSW.
You're a NSW resident with one of the following:
- Pensioner Concession Card issued by Services Australia or the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA)
- DVA Veteran Gold Card printed with one of the following:
- War Widow or War Widower
- letter from the DVA confirming one of the following:
- you receive a Disability Compensation Payment at the 70% rate or higher
- you receive a Disability Compensation Payment at the Intermediate rate
- you've been assessed at 50 or more impairment points.
Note: DVA letters can be downloaded from DVA's MyService.
How to get a concession
Your eligibility is automatically checked and concessions applied when you register or transfer a vehicle. For example. if you're a pensioner and receive free vehicle registration, you may be eligible for automatic rego renewal.
If your eligibility cannot be confirmed, you'll receive a letter asking you to attend a Service NSW Centre or call 13 22 13.
If you are not eligible, you'll receive a renewal notice with details.