
You need to apply for the producer/wholesaler liquor licence if you're a liquor producer, such as a winemaker, brewer or distiller, or a liquor wholesaler, and you want to sell alcohol to other liquor licensees.

The licence also allows producers to:

  • retail to the general public from the licensed premises (if allowed under the development consent)
  • conduct tastings
  • sell to the general public at liquor industry shows and farmers' markets or fairs. 

Wholesalers are not able to sell to the general public.


Applicants must be 18 years or older, and not suspended or disqualified from holding a liquor licence.

What you need

If you're applying as an individual, you'll also need:

If you're applying as an organisation, you'll also need:

  • ABN or ACN
  • the names and birthdates of all directors and officeholders (if it is a proprietary company)
  • a current Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) extract, and
  • details of an appointment of manager notice

How to apply

  1. Check the eligibility requirements.
  2. Ensure you have gathered the required documents.
  3. Select the 'Apply online' button.
  4. Log in or create an account.
  5. Follow the prompts to complete and submit your application.

More information

Site notice

Once your application is lodged, you will be sent a public site notice. You need to attach the notice to your premises until the application is granted. Council, police and agency stakeholders will be automatically notified of your application. You must notify neighbouring premises within a 50-metre radius of your venue.

If you wish to complete the site notice manually at your convenience before you lodge your application, you can download a the site notice form.

Multiple premises

Under certain circumstances, more than one premises can be allowed under the one licence. You will need to apply for and gain your licence before you can apply for additional premises. 

Authorisations, exemptions, and conditions

Licences can be tailored to your needs by apply for authorisations and exemptions. For example, you can apply for extended trading hours or an on-premises drinking authorisation. See more detail on the Liquor & Gaming NSW website.  

Conditions apply to NSW liquor licences. Some are statutory conditions that apply automatically depending on the type of premises. Other conditions may be imposed on a licence by the Independent Liquor & Gaming Authority.  You can apply for alternate or additional conditions using the Licence conditions form: producer/wholesaler – PDF. Lodging this form with your application may reduce processing time.

Last updated: 4 February 2025

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