Cafes and restaurants

If your business is a cafe or restaurant, see applying for an on-premises licence (cafe or restaurant).


An on-premises licence allows you to sell alcohol together with another product or service that is sold, supplied or provided to customers.

Some common activities and venues for this kind of licence include:  nightclubs, music venues, cinemas, karaoke bars, sport facilities and commercial caterers.


You must be at least 18 years old.

What you need

If you're applying as an individual, you'll also need to provide:

If you're applying as an organisation, you'll also need to provide:

How to apply

  1. Check the eligibility requirements.
  2. Gather required documents.
  3. Select the 'Apply online' button.
  4. Register or sign in to OneGov or your MyServiceNSW Account.
  5. Follow the prompts to complete your application.

More information

Site notice

Once your application is lodged, you will be sent a public site notice. You need to attach the notice to your premises until the application is granted. Council, police and agency stakeholders will be automatically notified of your application. You must notify neighbouring premises within a 50-metre radius of your venue.

If you wish to complete the site notice manually at your convenience before you lodge your application, you can download a the site notice form.

Licence conditions

Conditions apply to NSW liquor licences. Some are statutory conditions that apply automatically depending on the type of premises. Other conditions may be imposed on a licence by the Independent Liquor & Gaming Authority.  

You can review the other conditions on the Liquor & Gaming NSW website using the conditions forms. There are different forms for different types of premises.

Authorisations and extensions

Authorisations and extensions can help you customise your on-premises licence to suit your needs. These could include extended trading hours or takeaway alcohol sales. 

See the Liquor & Gaming NSW website for more information about on-premises licences authorisations and extensions.

Last updated: 4 February 2025

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