Service NSW is delivering the Fertility Treatment Rebate-2 Program (Program) on behalf of NSW Health. We are collecting your personal and health information to process your application and assess your eligibility for the rebate.
What personal information we collect
About you
- your name, date of birth, and contact details such as email address, phone number and residential address
- evidence that you are a NSW resident. This can be either a:
- utility bill, or
- lease agreement, or
- home insurance, or
- rates notice, or
- screenshot from the Rental Bonds Database
- your banking details (including bank account name, BSB and account number)
- proof of name change (where applicable) such as a marriage certificate or change of name certificate issued by the NSW Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages.
About your income
Service NSW will collect evidence of your annual household income to verify you meet eligibility requirements. You can provide us with either:
Your Centrelink Customer Reference Number to determine if you receive the Family Tax Benefit or hold a Centrelink Health Care Card
- Your ATO notice of assessment and, if you have a partner who contributes to your annual household income, your partner’s ATO notice of assessment.
If you are providing your partner’s notice of assessment, you are required to confirm that you are authorised by them to provide their personal information to Service NSW for the purpose of the rebate. You should show this notice to your partner, so they understand Service NSW’s purpose for collecting their personal information.
Service NSW does not require Tax File Numbers (TFNs) for the purposes of the rebate. If you submit your ATO notices of assessment, you should remove or obscure the TFN where possible. If you are unable to remove or obscure the TFN, we will remove the information on your behalf.
About your treatment
- your Fertility Treatment Rebate-2 Declaration Form, completed by your specialist
- invoices or receipts of your treatment
- the name of your specialist
- the name and address of the clinic you attended.
We may also ask you to provide additional information or documentation about your application – this may include requests for personal information.
How we will use and disclose this information
Service NSW will use and disclose your personal information for the purposes it was collected or a directly related purpose.
Service NSW may use your personal information to:
- process your application and determine your eligibility to receive the rebate
- contact you about your application
- handle any enquiries or complaints you may have about the rebate
- establish or maintain records in your MyServiceNSW Account profile
- conduct auditing and compliance activities to determine whether the eligibility criteria and Terms and Conditions have been met
- investigate any allegations of fraud or failure to comply with Terms and Conditions and to assess the financial integrity of the Program.
Service NSW also maintains and uses information about you for our internal administrative purposes, including for the purpose of interacting with you.
We may disclose the information in your application to:
- your clinic – to verify your attendance and treatment
- Services Australia, if you have provided your Centrelink Customer Reference Number to verify your annual income
- the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs to verify your proof of identity information with the Document Verification Service (DVS)
- NSW Health and NSW Treasury (and any contractors engaged by them for the purposes of conducting an audit) for the purpose of reporting on and evaluating the Program when required under NSW Treasury's Evaluation Policy and Guidelines
- NSW Police or other law enforcement agencies, if Service NSW reasonably suspects a case of fraud or other criminal activity
- the Department of Customer Service (including Revenue NSW) for the purpose of auditing, compliance and/or debt recovery
- Revenue NSW if Service NSW has reasons to believe a contravention of Program conditions has taken place, or so that payments may be recovered, and
- the Australian Transactions Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC), if Service NSW reasonably suspects a case of fraud or other financial crime or has conducted an investigation in response to information provided by AUSTRAC and is sharing the results of that investigation with AUSTRAC.
Service NSW will not disclose your personal information to anyone else unless you provide your consent, or we are required or authorised to do so by law.
Whether you are required by law to provide us with this information
Providing us with the requested information is not required by law. However, if you choose not to provide us with the requested information, we may not be able to process your application.
More information
Read the Service NSW privacy statement for more information on how:
- we handle your personal information
- you can access and seek correction of your information
- privacy enquiries or complaints can be made.
You can call Service NSW on 13 77 88.
Service NSW is located at 2–24 Rawson Place Sydney NSW 2000.