1. About the program

1.1 Objectives

The Fertility Treatment Rebate-2 Program (Program) is administered by Service NSW and NSW Health. This Program is one part of the NSW Affordable IVF Initiative.

The objective of this Program is to assist with costs associated with fertility treatments such as IVF and other Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) for low to middle income households. A rebate of $2,000 is available to Eligible Women for Eligible Costs. The Program commences on 19 February 2025. It replaces the Fertility Treatment Rebate Program which first opened on 1 January 2023 and closed on 4 March 2025.

1.2 Application open and close dates

a. Applications for the Program open on 11 March 2025.

b. Applications will close on 30 August 2028 unless funds are expended earlier. Funds will be allocated to successful applications from a limited funding pool in the order the applications are received by Service NSW.

c. All applications must be submitted by the close date.

1.3. Available funding

a. The rebate will be available to women who demonstrate eligibility in compliance with criteria at clause 2 (Eligible Women), unless extended by amendment to these guidelines or by announcement.

b. Eligible Women will be provided a rebate of $2,000 for Eligible Costs (see clause 2.2).

2. Eligibility criteria

2.1 Eligible Applicants

a. To be eligible, the applicant must be a woman (or a person that does not identify as a woman that is seeking to become pregnant with the use of fertility treatment) who:

i. is a resident of NSW

ii. has undergone an ART treatment with an Eligible Provider (refer to clause 2.3) on or after 19 February 2025

iii. incurred Eligible Costs (refer to clause 2.2)

iv. meets the Household Income eligibility criteria (refer to clause 2.4) and

v. can satisfy the evidentiary requirements in clauses 3.2 and 3.3.

2.2 Eligible Costs

a. Eligible Women can claim the rebate if they have incurred out-of-pocket costs for ART treatments:

i. provided by Eligible Providers (refer to clause 2.3)

ii. that have been confirmed to be ART treatments by the Eligible Provider in the Fertility Treatment Rebate-2 Declaration Form and

iii. received on or after 19 February 2025 and before program closure as per clause 1.2 (b).

b. The following costs are ineligible:

i. any component of cost for ART treatment that has already been reimbursed by another government program or rebate, such as Medicare or the Fertility Treatment Rebate for an ART treatment received between 1 October 2022 and 18 February 2025

ii. costs for treatments that are for the sole purpose of fertility preservation

iii. costs for treatments incurred from the publicly supported lower cost IVF programs at the following clinics:

  • Fertility Unit at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
  • Westmead Fertility Centre linked with Westmead Hospital
  • Fertility and Research Centre at the Royal Hospital for Women

​​​​​​​iv. costs for male treatments.

2.3 Eligible Providers

a. An Eligible Provider is an ART Provider who:

i. is certified to deliver ART treatments by RTAC as per the RTAC Australia and New Zealand Code of Practice, and

ii. is authorised to operate in Australia.

See the list of currently registered ART providers in NSW.

2.4 Household Income eligibility criteria

a. Eligible Women must either:

i. receive Family Tax Benefit or

ii. hold a Health Care Card or

iii. have an annual Household Income (see Definitions) of $116,000 or less.

3. Application and claims

3.1 Applying for the rebate

a. Eligible Women may apply for the rebate:

i. online through their MyServiceNSW Account

ii. in person, at a Service NSW Centre (via the Digital Kiosk)

b. Eligible Women must apply within 90 days of the date the ART treatment was received

c. Eligible Women can only receive the $2,000 rebate once.

Note: Where you have received a payment under the Fertility Treatment Rebate Program, for an ART treatment received between 1 October 2022 and 18 February 2025, you cannot receive the $2,000 rebate under the Fertility Treatment Rebate-2 Program.

3.2 Evidence in support of eligibility

a. When applying for the rebate, Eligible Women will need to provide:

i. verification of their identity via their MyServiceNSW Account

ii. the name of their fertility specialist

iii. proof of residency in NSW showing the applicant's residential address, which may include one of the following:

  • rates notice
  • utility bill
  • home insurance
  • current residential tenancy agreement or
  • a screenshot from the Rental Bonds Database showing details of the relevant lease

iv. the Fertility Treatment Rebate-2 Declaration Form completed, dated, and signed by an authorised representative of the Eligible Provider providing the fertility treatment

v. evidence of eligible out-of-pocket costs already incurred (only one receipt is required, and this can be for less than $2,000), containing the information required at clause 3.3 (b)

vi. evidence of meeting the Household Income eligibility criteria which may include:

  • your Centrelink Customer Reference Number to verify that you receive the Family Tax Benefit or hold a Centrelink Health Care Card, or
  • your ATO notice of assessment (redacted tax file number), and the ATO notice of assessment (redacted tax file number) of any other person whose income constitutes a part of your Household Income. The ATO notice of assessments must:

A. be from the same financial year (if submitting more than one from your household)

B. be the most recent that you have

C. be from either of the two preceding financial years 

D. show total Household Income is equal to, or less than $116,000 per annum and

vii. bank account details for receiving the rebate if the claim is successful.

Note: Where you are unable to provide documents in support of your eligibility, you may contact Service NSW on 13 77 88 for assistance in providing alternative documentation.

3.3 Claiming the rebate

a. Eligible Women will receive the $2,000 Fertility Treatment Rebate-2 irrespective of the out-of-pocket cost if the application is successful.

b. Eligible Women must supply a Fertility Treatment Rebate-2 Declaration Form fully completed by the Eligible Provider’s authorised representative (per clause 3.2(a)(iv)) and evidence detailing:

i. the full name of the person who received the ART treatment

ii. a description of the ART treatment received

iii. the date the ART treatment was received

iv. the out-of-pocket amount of each ART treatment claimed

v. details of the Eligible Provider, including the fertility specialist’s name, the Eligible Provider’s name, the Eligible Provider's address providing the ART treatment, and the RTAC certified Unit Number as per clause 3.2 (a) (iv).

Service NSW and NSW Health reserve the right to withdraw or amend the payment or these guidelines and application terms at any time as they deem appropriate without notice.

4. Compliance

4.1 Applicants must declare the information provided in their application is true and correct. Penalties may apply for false or misleading information. Where false or misleading information is provided, applications may be referred to law enforcement.

4.2 If any information provided in connection with this Program is found to be false or misleading, the rebate will be repayable on demand. It is an offence to provide false or misleading information to a public authority, pursuant to the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW).

4.3 As part of the application assessment process, Service NSW may compare information you provide with relevant Commonwealth, State Government agencies and departments or health care providers for the purpose of verifying your application. Information will be handled in accordance with the Program Privacy Collection Notice.

4.4 Where required, Service NSW will contact you to obtain additional information to complete the assessment process.

4.5 Eligible Women must retain records of evidence provided, including evidence of payment for all claims submitted under this Program for a period of 7 years following the closing of the Program (per clause 1.2(b)).

4.6 Eligible Women may be subject to audit by the NSW Government or its representatives for a period of 7 years after the closing of the Program. Under the audit, applicants may be required to produce further evidence, including but not limited to, evidence demonstrating that they meet requirements of these guidelines.

4.7 Applicants must give consent for Service NSW and NSW Health to undertake data validation with and collect and disclose information including personal information and health information to relevant Commonwealth and State Government agencies and departments including but not limited to NSW Health, Services Australia and health care providers, for the purpose of verifying the particulars of the applicant’s application.

5. Program Evaluation

The NSW Government is committed to providing excellent service that responds to your needs through well-targeted programs. For this reason, the NSW Government evaluates its programs. This sometimes includes contact with customers to ask about your experience of the assistance you received, for example via surveys. The NSW Government will always treat the responses you provide as confidential and use the information only for the purposes it was collected.


Assessable Income means income that you pay tax on as defined by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). 

Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) has the meaning given to it in the RTAC Australia and New Zealand Code of Practice, which at the time of publishing these guidelines means “clinical treatments; counselling services; and laboratory procedures for the assessment and preparation of human oocytes, sperm or embryos and includes in vitro fertilisation; gamete intrafallopian transfer; intracytoplasmic sperm injection; embryo or gamete cryopreservation; surgical sperm recovery; oocyte, semen or embryo donation; embryo biopsy or non-invasive sampling for preimplantation genetic testing (PGT); gestational and traditional surrogacy and intrauterine insemination (IUI)”, and also includes:

  • the storage of gametes and embryos for use in ARTs
  • the obtaining of a gamete from a gamete provider for use in ARTs or for research in connection with an ART, and
  • treatments determined by the ART Provider to be performed for the purposes of an ART treatment.

ART Provider is a provider of ART treatments who is certified by the RTAC and authorised to operate in Australia.

Eligible Costs has the definition given in clause 2.2.

Eligible Provider means an ART Provider who satisfies the requirements in clause 2.3.

Eligible Women has the definition given in clause 2.1.

Household Income means the combined assessable income (before tax) of you and any person with whom you reside and maintain a domestic relationship with for the whole financial year.

Program has the meaning given in clause 1.1.

RTAC means the Reproductive Technology Accreditation Committee of the Fertility Society of Australia.

Last updated: 11 March 2025