To help you find information quickly we've compiled a list of online calculators listed by category. Please remember the results aren't exact quotes, only estimates.
- Livestock feed cost calculator - You can use the feed cost calculator to compare the value of livestock feeds on an energy and crude protein basis.
Employees and employers
- Pay calculator - The Pay Calculator calculates base pay rates, allowances and penalty rates (including overtime).
- Income tax calculator - You can use this online calculator to give you an estimate of the tax you owe on your taxable income.
- Tax withheld calculator - If you want to work out the tax you need to withhold from payments you make to employees or other workers, you can use the tax withheld calculator.
- Superannuation guarantee contributions calculator - Employers can use the superannuation guarantee contributions calculator to quickly check the super contribution to be paid to employees.
- Leave calculator - Use the online leave calculator to find out how much leave you should get.
- Long service leave calculator - Most full-time, part-time or casual employees in NSW are entitled to long service leave.
- Notice and redundancy calculator - You can find out how much notice and redundancy pay is required when employment ends by using this calculator.
- Medicare levy calculator - You can find out how much notice and redundancy pay is required when employment ends by using this calculator.
Energy costs
- Calculate your energy costs - Use this calculator to find energy-efficient appliances and equipment for your home or business with estimated running costs.
- Food calculator: what to eat and how much - the food calculator can help you work out what you (and your family) need to eat healthily.
- Calculate the kilojoules you burn - Enjoying healthy food and drink, checking your portion sizes and getting active can help you maintain a healthy weight and feel good.
- Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator - You can use the Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator to work out if you're underweight, overweight or at an ideal weight for your height.
Housing and real estate
- ASIC MoneySmart mortgage calculator - This calculator can help you work out how much your mortgage repayments will be, how much you can borrow, and how you can repay your home loan sooner.
- Land tax calculator - You can get an estimate of how much tax you have to pay using the online land tax calculator.
- Stamp duty calculator - You can calculate the duty payable on land or a business you've purchased online.
Vehicles and transportation
- Vehicle registration calculator - The vehicle registration calculator helps you estimate the costs of registering a vehicle.
- Fuel credit tax calculator - If your business is registered for fuel tax credits, you can use the fuel tax credit calculator to check the fuel tax credits for the fuel acquired for use in your business, and any adjustments or corrections for fuel tax credits from a previous business activity statement (BAS).
- Green Slip calculator - The Green Slip Check is a quick and easy way to get a CTP Green Slip quote comparison from all insurers, for the most common vehicle types.
- Sydney Motorways toll calculator - If you’re travelling on Sydney toll roads, you’ll need to pay a fee. You can quickly check the cost of your journey using the online Sydney Motorways Toll Calculator.
Last updated: 14 January 2025