There are more than 70 rebates and savings you can apply for on Service NSW's Savings Finder page.

For help with drought-specific rebates and support, make an appointment with a Savings Specialist in a regional service centre or on board the Mobile Service Centres.

If you know what you're interested in, gather the paperwork required to make an application or claim, and take it with you when you visit a service centre or Mobile Service Centre.

Check out the lists below for more information on the variety of support that's available.


Apply for the Drought Infrastructure Fund
The fund provides a long term, low interest loan to NSW farmers, for permanent on-farm infrastructure.

Farmers can borrow up to a maximum of $1 million per project, with a total of $1 million outstanding at any one time. The aim of the fund is to help farmers:

  • improve farm productivity
  • manage adverse seasonal conditions
  • ensure long term sustainability.

Support services

Drought assistance in NSW
The DroughtHub details and links to all the measures the NSW Government is delivering to support farmers impacted by drought conditions.

Drought and rural support – Department of Agriculture
The Department of Agriculture supports farmers in times of hardship and assists with risk management and plann​ing.

Rural financial counsellors
The rural financial counselling service provides free financial counselling to help NSW primary producers improve financial literacy, develop business plans and contingencies, and access industry support. While the service does not provide specific financial advice, the counselling process supports individual needs.

Local land services (LLS) – drought response
The LLS continues to help landholders manage their farming businesses. They hold workshops, information sessions, ‘smokos’ and ‘cuppas’ to connect farmers and their families to advice and networks on animal nutrition, pasture management and livestock health.

Last updated: 14 January 2025

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