Heavy vehicle industry assistance

Assistance is available to road freight operators through 3 concessions.

1. Converter dolly rebate

Eligible operators can claim a full rebate on their tri-axle converter dolly registration charge, and up to 50% on their annual tandem-axle converter dolly registration charge.

Application - Converter Dolly Rebate – PDF

2. Spare trailer rebate

Eligible operators can claim 50% of the cost of their annual trailer registration.

Application - Spare Trailer Rebate – PDF

3. Stamp duty exemption for heavy trailers (including dollies)

Eligible operators may be exempt from paying stamp duty when establishing new heavy trailers.

For the purposes of this exemption, a heavy trailer is defined as:

  • a trailer with a Gross Vehicle Mass more than 4.5 tonnes
  • a vehicle that is built to be towed, or is towed, by a motor vehicle (not including motor vehicles themselves).

More information about the assistance for the heavy vehicle industry is available on the Transport for NSW website.

Support for NSW primary producers

Registration savings for primary producers

Find out about registration costs, stamp duty, inspection fees, and fee concessions.

Registration concessions – primary producers

Concessions, exemptions and rebates – heavy vehicles

Vehicle registration fees, concessions and forms.

Drought relief for farmers

For a full list of drought support measures visit the Department of Primary Industries DroughtHub and Drought in NSW.

Last updated: 7 February 2025