
If you’re a licensed tradesperson or registered professional who holds qualifications from another state, you may be able to work in NSW under the Automatic Mutual Recognition (AMR) scheme.

AMR allows a range of tradespeople and registered professionals to work in NSW without getting a local licence, or paying any licence fees.

If your occupation is included in the AMR scheme, you may need to notify the regulator of your intention to work in NSW, or you may be able to start working right away.


To be eligible to work under AMR, you must:

  • hold a current individual licence or registration in your home state for the work you intend to do in NSW
  • be a resident of Vic, ACT, NT, SA, WA or Tas.

Refer to the list of occupations to see if you need to notify the regulator.

What you need

  • a MyServiceNSW Account
    • you can create one when you start
    • you may need details from 2 identity documents (such as Australian driver licence, Medicare card, passport)
  • the following documents (as PDF, DOCX, DOC, JPEG, JPG or PNG files; maximum 2MB file size):
    • the front and back of your interstate trade licence
    • a document confirming your address on your trade licence (such as driver licence, utility bill, financial statement).

How to notify

  1. Check the eligibility requirements.
  2. Select the ‘Notify online’ button.
    Note: You can save and resume your notification, but if you have not submitted it within 60 days, any details you've entered will be deleted.
  3. Log in, or create your MyServiceNSW Account. 
  4. Follow the prompts to notify the licence regulator.

Help with notifying

A short video to help you notify to work in NSW under AMR.

Speaker: The best job opportunities aren’t always close to home.

Description: Screen shows an aerial view of Sydney harbour and skyline with cars travelling along the Warringah Freeway; then an aerial shot of a car driving along a road in a bushland area.

Speaker: That’s why the NSW government is making it easier for people in licensed jobs to work interstate.

Description: Screen shows man with headphones sitting on an aeroplane; then a woman and a man walking along a corridor, inside an office building.

Speaker: More occupations than ever before can now work under the Automatic Mutual Recognition scheme or AMR.

Description: Screen shows 2 women and one man standing in an open plan office building using a whiteboard; then a man in a hard hat speaking to a woman, while holding a clipboard in a domestic kitchen.

Speaker: It means your licence or registration may be recognised in other places around the country.

Description: Screen shows a man with using a drill with ear protection, safety glasses and mask, operating a drill with a dust extraction system on a building site; then a man walking between two buses in a bus depot; then the driver’s view of the street from inside a bus while driving; then close up of two men in hard hats conversing.

Words on screen: AMR is available in all states except Queensland. Queensland has elected not to participate in AMR.

Speaker: Workers from NSW can now work in other states and territories and people from interstate can also work here.

Description: Screen shows aerial shot of six people seated at a table looking at building plans; then a man and a woman in hard hats conversing on a domestic building site; then two men in hard hats unloading equipment from a vehicle; then a man standing on Mt Panorama near Bathurst using surveying equipment.

Speaker: If you want to work in NSW from interstate, you may need to let us know you’re coming by using our online platform.

Description: Screen shows two men wearing safety glasses measuring a sheet of wood at a work site; then a man walking up the stairs inside an office building; then a man sitting at a desk making a phone call inside an office building.

Words on screen:

Words on screen: How to notify for Automatic Mutual Recognition (AMR) in NSW

Speaker: There are four steps to completing your notification.

Words on screen: There are four steps to completing your notification

Speaker: Check your occupation is included in AMR in NSW and you are eligible. Follow the link to the Service NSW website to start your notification. Create a MyServiceNSW account, and follow the prompts to complete your notification.

Words on screen: Step 1. Check you are eligible for AMR in NSW

Step 2. Follow the link to the Service NSW website

Step 3. Create a MyService NSW account

Step 4: Follow the prompts to complete your notification

Speaker: Step one. To be eligible, your occupation must be included in AMR in NSW. You can check this at the NSW government website, where you’ll also find the link to start your notification.

Description: Screen shows an illustration of a computer monitor with the words on the screen and a pointer clicking on a graphic of a magnifying glass to depict searching the internet for this website address; then the website page appears on the screen (

Speaker: You also need to have a current licence in your home state for the work you want to do in NSW. And, you must be a resident of any state or territory except Queensland.

Words on screen: You must have a current licence in your home state

AMR is open to residents of all states and territories except Queensland

Queensland has elected not to participate in AMR.

Speaker: Step two. You’ll be taken to the Service NSW website where you can start your notification.

Description: Screen shows an illustration of a computer monitor showing the SNSW website page for AMR.

Speaker: Step three. You'll be asked to set up a MyServiceNSW account. This will require proof of identification such as a driver’s licence.

Description: Screen shows a SNSW website page where you can set up a MyService NSW account, with a pointer completing the fields; then an example of proof of identification document (a driver’s licence).

Speaker: Step four. After you’ve set up your account, follow the prompts to complete your notification.

Description: Screen shows an illustration of a computer monitor showing the home page of the AMR online notification platform; then a moving pointer navigating through various screens and completing different fields.

Speaker: You’ll need a photo of the front and back of your occupational licence and evidence confirming the address that’s linked to your licence.

Description: Screen shows an example of an occupational licence front and back; then an example of documentation confirming the address on the licence (a utility bill).

Speaker: You can make more than one notification depending on the type of work you want to do in NSW. You can also save your notification and come back within 60 days to complete it.

Once you’ve completed your notification the relevant NSW regulator will verify the information you have provided. And you can start working here unless the regulator tells you otherwise.

Description: Screen shows an illustration of a computer monitor, showing various screen on the AMR online notification platform with a pointer navigating through numerous fields and pages.

Speaker: If you need any help submitting an online notification or for more information, visit the NSW Government website.

Description: Screen shows a man walking along a street, holding a mobile device; then a white screen with the NSW Government logo.

Words on screen:


To notify to work in NSW under the Automatic Mutual Recognition scheme with the Department of Customer Service (DCS), you'll need to create or log in with a MyServiceNSW Account.

By logging in you consent to sharing your name and email address in your MyServiceNSW Account with DCS.

The Automatic Mutual Recognition – privacy collection notice explains how your personal information will be handled once it is shared by Service NSW.

More information

  • There is no fee to submit an AMR notification.
  • The regulator will contact you if further details are required.
  • You will not be issued with a NSW licence.
  • Depending on your occupation, you may need to meet additional requirements before working in NSW. You may need to:
    • meet public protection requirements (PPR)
    • satisfy and maintain a vulnerable person character test.
  • There are some circumstances that may prevent you from taking part in the scheme. For more information, visit Automatic Mutual Recognition.
Last updated: 13 February 2024

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