
If you believe that you have experienced discrimination, sexual harassment, vilification or victimisation, you can make a complaint to Anti-Discrimination NSW.

A copy of your complaint and any information you provide will be shared with the person or organisation you are complaining about.

You can lodge a complaint online, by email or post.

Note: Not all discrimination is unlawful. Before lodging a complaint, we recommend that you:

  • contact Anti-Discrimination NSW on 1800 670 812 to ensure you understand the complaints process and the information required so that your complaint is processed as quickly as possible
  • check the types of discrimination covered by the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW)
  • read complaint case studies about the types of complaints Anti-Discrimination NSW can help resolve.


You can make a complaint if you're an individual or group who has been discriminated against, sexually harassed, vilified or victimised. 

Note: Complaints can be made on your behalf by a parent, guardian or carer, or organisations such as unions and other representative bodies. Your representative must name you and make it clear that you agree to them lodging the complaint.

What you need

  • a completed online or paper Anti-Discrimination NSW complaint form
  • copies of any supporting documents (if applicable).

How to lodge

  1. Select the 'Lodge a complaint' button.
  2. Lodge your complaint by: 
    • completing the online or paper form (available in 25 languages and various formats), or
    • writing a letter.

More information

  • Most complaints are resolved within 5 months, but some complaints will be fast-tracked if they require urgent action, for example, if someone is about to lose their job.
  • Complaints older than 12 months can be declined unless there is a very good reason for the delay.
  • The complaint process is confidential – anything said or done cannot be used in any related court or tribunal proceeding.
  • Anti-Discrimination NSW is:
    • independent and does not advocate for or represent anyone in the complaint process
    • not a court or tribunal (it cannot make findings about a complaint or make decisions about the appropriate outcome to resolve it).
  • For more information, contact Anti-Discrimination NSW.
Last updated: 4 March 2024

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