
If you want to update your address, email address, phone number or title for your transport concession entitlement card, you can do this online.

What you need

  • your name and date of birth
  • the new contact details.

You will also need to provide details listed in this table.

If you are aYou need your
Apprentice or traineeTCID number (the numbers before the slash)
Asylum seekerConcession ID number
Ex-defence personnel with a disabilityDVA file number
Job seeker or other approved Centrelink customerCentrelink reference number
TAFE tertiary studentStudent learner number
Tertiary studentName of institution
Student ID number

How to change

  1. Select the 'Change online' button.
  2. Select the entitlement type.
  3. Enter the required ID number.
  4. Enter your name and date of birth.
  5. Select 'Find'.
  6. Complete the online form to update your details.
Last updated: 2 December 2024

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