
The Maritime Dealer Vessel Registration Scheme (MDVRS) authorises approved maritime dealers to register new recreational vessels through an online maritime dealer portal.


You must:

  • be a maritime dealer engaged in the sale of new vessels
  • have your dealership located within Australia 

You must also hold:

  • public and products liability or broadform liability insurance
  • workers compensation insurance (unless exempt).

What you need

  • the PDF forms:
    • Application to become an authorised dealer (MDVRS)
    • MDVRS Agreement.
  • copy of your ABN, ACN or ARBN certificate
  • certified copy of your National Police Check Certificate completed within the last 12 months
  • certified copies of your proof of identity documents
  • copies of certificates of currency for the required insurance.

How to apply

  1. Download and complete:
  2. Email your signed MDVRS agreement, completed application form and supporting documents to the address stated on the form.

More information

  • The MDVRS allows interim registration for newly manufactured vessels only. 
  • Dealers are not able to obtain interim registrations for used second-hand vessels whether registered or not.
Last updated: 30 May 2024

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