
Motorists that have paid a toll on the M5 South-West Motorway can claim a rebate.

Note: Before claiming, you need to register for the rebate.


You must:

  • be a NSW resident
  • have registered for the rebate
  • have the vehicle registered in NSW for private, pensioner or charitable use
  • have paid a toll on the M5 South-West Motorway
  • claim within 12 months of the close of the M5 South-West Cashback Scheme quarter (claims received more than 12 months after the close of each quarter will not be accepted).

Trips in the following vehicles are not eligible:

  • government or business registered vehicles (including vehicles provided as part of a salary package)
  • leased vehicles
  • rented vehicles
  • smash repair courtesy vehicles
  • car dealership loan vehicles
  • interstate registered vehicles
  • vehicles where business usage is shown on the registration papers, for example 'business general' or 'primary producer'.

Note: Motorists that have paid a toll notice on the M5 Motorway are unable to claim a rebate for that toll.

What you need

To claim online, you need your toll account details.

If claiming a rebate at a Service NSW Centre, you need:

  • your bank account details
  • your toll account number
  • a copy of your toll transaction statement that lists your toll use.

How to apply

  1. Log in to your toll account.
    1. E-Toll
    2. Linkt
  2. Follow the prompts to claim the rebate.

If you're unable to claim online:

  1. Download and complete the M5 South-West Cashback Scheme Rebate Claim Form – PDF.
  2. Return your form and supporting documents
    1. in person at a service centre
    2. by post or email using the details on the form.

For more information about the rebate, call the M5 South-West Cashback office on 1300 133 310.

What happens next

  • Online claims are processed within 7 working days.
  • Email and postal claims are processed within 20 working days.

More information

  • For claims lodged by form, rebates are paid by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) into the savings or cheque account nominated on the form. Rebates cannot be paid into credit card accounts.
  • If you register for the rebate, your vehicle may be photographed at M5 South-West toll points for audit purposes.
Last updated: 12 March 2025

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