
If you want to supply or serve alcohol at your premises to customers who are not using or consuming your other products or services (for example food or accommodation), you need to apply for a primary service authorisation (PSA).

You can apply for a PSA as part of an existing or new application for an on-premises liquor licence. 

What you need

  • a Statement of Risks and Potential Effects (SoRPE)
  • licence and licensee details
  • applicant details
  • a floor plan showing the boundaries of the premises
  • the application fee as indicated on the form
  • the PDF form – 'Primary service authorisation application'. 

To make sure that you have all the information and documentation you need to complete this transaction, please visit Liquor & Gaming NSW.

How to apply

  1. Select the 'Download PDF form' button.
  2. Download and complete Primary service authorisation – PDF.
  3. Attach any supporting documents to the application form.
  4. Immediately before submitting your application, or within 2 workings days after (not including Saturday or Sunday), complete all the Notices relevant to your application. The Notices are all contained at the end of the application kit.
  5. Using the contact details listed on the form, lodge your application in person, or by email or post.


  1. Complete the Notice to Police, and provide a full copy of your application to the NSW Police Station nearest your premises.
  2. Complete the Notice to Local Consent Authority, and provide a copy of the notice to your local council or local consent authority (LCA). If your premises is within 500 metres of a neighbouring local government area, then you must also provide a copy of the Notice to the local council or LCA of the neighbouring area. If it's on Crown Lands, you should provide the Notice to the Crown Lands Division of NSW Trade and Investment.
  3. Complete the Site Notice and Notice to Neighbouring Premises and Other Stakeholders, and display a copy of the Notice at your premises until you hear the outcome of your application. Make sure it's displayed in a place where it is easily seen by passers-by and the general public. You must also provide this Notice to people in neighbouring buildings, and to anyone you consulted during the CIS process.

More information

  • A PSA doesn’t allow an on-premises licensed venue to operate as a bar. This means that the sale or supply of liquor cannot be the primary purpose of the business on the licensed premises. Your primary product or service (like food or meals) must be available on the premises at all times.
  • The licensee needs to maintain monthly records of total liquor sales and sales of other products or services, like meals. These records need to be shown to police or liquor inspectors on request.
  • You need to display a sign at the entrance that lets people know you serve alcohol without meals. 
Last updated: 27 September 2024

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