If you want to keep a native animal, you can apply for a companion native animal keeper licence under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016.
You must get a licence before you start keeping any native animal as a pet.
Check the NSW Native Animal Keepers' Species List to find out which native animal you can keep as a pet with a companion native animal keeper licence.
You must nominate the species you want at the time you apply for your licence.
Visit the Environment and Heritage website for details on licence fees and duration.
- Snakes, lizards, frogs and birds are the most common native animals kept as pets.
- Not all native animals can be kept as pets, but some species which have been bred in captivity can be kept. None of these animals may be caught in the wild.
- If you want to keep more than one native animal as a pet you will need to apply for a native animal keeper licence.
- Penalties apply for illegally trapping and keeping native wildlife.
You must:
- be over 16 years of age or a parent or guardian of children under 16
- not have been prosecuted under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 or other relevant legislation in NSW or any other state of Australia in the past 12 years.
How to apply
Online applications
If you apply online, you receive a discount on the current standard licence fee.
- Identify the species code. You can download the NSW Native Animal Keepers' Species List to do this.
- Use the 'Apply online' button on this page to go the form.
- Log in or create a MyServiceNSW account.
- Follow the steps to apply for a companion native animal keeper licence.
If you do not wish to apply online phone Service NSW on 13 77 88.
Enquiries about wildlife licensing
Contact the Wildlife Team on 02 9585 6406 if you have questions about licences or keeping native animals as pets.