If you need to get a new passport, or renew your old one, you must submit your application through the Australian Passport Office.
All online services are available through the Australian Passport Office website and Australia Post provides a nationwide shopfront if you need to complete part of your application in person.
If you're an Australian citizen 18 years of age or over you should be eligible to apply for an Australian passport.
To get started, visit the Australian Passport Office for information on:
- the documentation required
- the application and lodgement process
- the fees charged
- how to begin your application.
Adult passports are valid for 10 years. If you're 75 or over, you can apply for a senior's passport, which is valid for 5 years and has a lower fee.
Note: Generally, you can only lodge your application at a passport office if you need to travel urgently for unforeseen compassionate or compelling reasons. You have to make an appointment by calling 131 232.
All children, even babies, must travel on their own passport, and consent must be given by everyone with parental responsibility for the child.
A child is defined as a person under 18 years of age who has never married.
To get started, visit the Australian Passport Office for information on:
- the documentation required
- the application and lodgement process
- the fees charged
- how to begin your application.
For children aged 15 and under, passports are valid for 5 years. Children aged 16 and 17 will be issued with 10-year passports.
Each time a child needs a new passport a full application must be completed and supported by original documents to prove the child’s identity and Australian citizenship.
If you need a passport urgently you can pay a fee for faster service. The Australian Passport Office will process priority applications in 2 business days from when it receives the application.
To get started, visit the Australian Passport Office for information on:
- documentation required
- the priority processing fees charged
- how to lodge an application urgently for compassionate reasons
- how to lodge an application through an Australia Post Passport RAPID location
- how to lodge an urgent application if you're overseas.
If you're overseas and want to apply for an Australian passport for yourself and/or your child, you can download the application form online. Proof of identity and Australian citizenship will be required.
To get started, visit the Australian Passport Office for information on:
- the documentation required
- the application and lodgement process
- the fees charged
- how to begin your application.
Adult passports are valid for 10 years. If you're 75 or over you can apply for a senior's passport, which is valid for 5 years and has a lower fee.
A child is defined as a person under 18 years of age who has never married. For children aged 15 and under passports are valid for 5 years. Those aged 16 and 17 are issued with 10-year passports.
Check with the nearest Australian embassy or consulate for fees in the local currency.
If you want to renew your Australian passport, you can download an online form from the Australian Passport Office and then lodge your application at an Australia Post outlet.
You can begin the renewal process online if you’re 18 years of age or older and your most recent Australian passport:
- was issued when you were 16 or older
- was issued on or after 1 January 2006
- was valid for at least 2 years when issued
- has your current name, date of birth, place of birth and gender
- has not been reported lost, stolen or cancelled.
If you do not meet the criteria for renewal you’ll need to complete a new passport application.
If you live or are travelling overseas and want to renew your Australian passport, you can download the form online from the Australian Passport Office, and then lodge it at an Australian diplomatic mission or consulate.
You can begin the renewal process online if you’re 18 years of age or older and your most recent Australian passport:
- was issued when you were 16 or older
- was issued on or after 1 January 2006
- was valid for at least 2 years when issued
- has your current name, date of birth, place of birth and gender
- has not been reported lost, stolen or cancelled.
If you do not meet the criteria for renewal you’ll need to complete a new passport application
Your passport is a vital tool in proving your identity, and your identity is one of the most valuable things you have. If your passport is lost or stolen, it is an offence not to report it as soon as you know it's lost.
If you're in Australia, call the Australian Passport Office. If you're outside Australia, contact the nearest Australian embassy or consulate overseas.
For more information on lost and stolen passports, visit the Australian Passport Office.
If your passport has been lost, damaged or destroyed in a declared natural disaster, you may be eligible for a free replacement. You do not need to complete an application form.
To order your replacement passport:
- call the Australian Passport Information Service on 131 232
- confirm your identity
- verify that you were in a natural disaster area.
You can find information on how to replace other forms of lost identification, licences and personal documents in our guide.
If you're travelling overseas from Australia and would like to ensure that you are fully prepared for your journey, you can find out all about visas, insurance, vaccinations and learn lots of valuable travel tips, online at the Smart Traveller website.
The type of visa you're issued when visiting Australia depends on factors such as the purpose of your visit or how long you want to stay. If you'd like to check your visa details and conditions, you can do this online through Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO).
Once you're in the VEVO system you can view all your visa information, such as:
- the type of visa
- how long you can stay in Australia
- whether your visa has any restrictions or limitations
- when the visa expires.
You can check your visa entitlements and conditions at the Department of Home Affairs website.