If you are seeing an incorrect licence

For security and privacy reasons, your MyServiceNSW Account is for you only. You should only add your driver licence to your account, using your own details. 

If you’re seeing someone else’s licence, such as your partner’s, it’s because you've used their details and added their licence instead of your own.

To add your own licence, you’ll need to:

  • remove the current licence, which also removes current demerit information and any vehicle registrations
  • follow the steps to add your licence, which also adds your demerit information and any vehicle registrations. 

You can also follow these steps if you've been issued with a new licence number but are still seeing your old number.

How to remove an incorrect driver licence

  1. Log out of the Service NSW app.
  2. Go to Remove services in your account on the website (not in the app). Note: You’ll be prompted to log in first.
  3. Select ‘Remove NSW driver licence and vehicle registrations’ and follow the prompts.

How to add your driver licence

  1. After you've followed the steps to remove the incorrect driver licence, go to 'Add services' and select ‘NSW driver licence and vehicle registrations’ in your account.
  2. Follow the prompts to add your licence using your own details.
  3. After you have successfully added your licence, you can log back in to the app.

Note: If you’ve been sharing your MyServiceNSW Account with someone else, they will need to create their own account. Your MyServiceNSW Account is for you only. Please do not share your account details with anyone.


Our privacy statement explains how we collect and use information.

If you need help with your account, contact us.

Last updated: 23 May 2024

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