Purpose of collection

Service NSW is providing certain customer service functions to Transport for NSW in relation to driver licensing, vehicle registration and other road licence records and must collect and otherwise handle your Personal Information for this purpose in accordance with this Privacy Statement.

Service NSW may also disclose to Transport for NSW any information obtained from you in connection with performing these customer service functions.

Transport for NSW is collecting your personal information to process your notification of a change of address on Transport for NSW records.

Under road transport legislation you are required to notify Transport for NSW of any change of address.

Transport for NSW may disclose your personal information:

  • to other driver licensing and vehicle registration agencies
  • to assess your application or verify the information you provide and
  • for inquiries about motor accidents.

Additionally, where you provide personal information concerning the registration of a vehicle Transport for NSW may disclose that to:

  • confirm any compulsory third party (bodily injury) insurance is current
  • anyone proposing to acquire an interest in your vehicle, in respect of inquiries relating to stolen or abandoned vehicles, and
  • any joint registered operator of your vehicle.

Otherwise Transport for NSW will not disclose your personal information without your consent unless authorised by law.

Your personal information will be held by:

Transport for NSW
231 Elizabeth Street
Sydney NSW 2000

You have the right to access and correct the information if you believe that it is incorrect.

By submitting your personal information, you warrant that it is true and complete.

Further information

Read the Service NSW privacy statement for more information on how:

  • we handle your personal information
  • you can access and seek correction of the information
  • privacy enquiries or complaints can be made.

You can call Service NSW on 13 77 88.

Service NSW is located at 2-24 Rawson Place Sydney NSW 2000.

Last updated: 20 June 2024