- Postal address:
PO Box A4
Sydney South NSW 1235 - TTY Phone:
- 1800 469 889
- Fax:
- 02 8688 9677 - Jury service enquiries
More information
The NSW Sheriff’s Office, Enforcement Operations Centre (EOC) is the central contact point for civil enforcement and management for Sheriff's Offices across NSW.
If your enquiry relates to a writ, payment of a court judgment or fine (issued under a property seizure order, where the sheriff will take your goods or property), notification of appointment as joint and several liquidator, warrant for possession (eviction), or service of documents issued by NSW, interstate or territory courts please contact the EOC.
Operating hours are Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm.
For enquiries about jury service, please contact the Jury services enquiries.