- Street address:
Sydney West Trials Courts, Level 1, Court 1A
6 George Street
Parramatta NSW 2150 - Postal address:
NSW State Parole Authority
Locked Bag 5111
Parramatta NSW 2124 - Phone:
- (02) 8688 3635
- Fax:
- (02) 8688 3699
About SPA
The NSW State Parole Authority (SPA) is an independent, statutory authority governed by the Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999. Its function is to make informed, impartial and evidence-based decisions to safely reintegrate inmates back into the community.
The SPA also has powers to:
- set additional parole conditions for offenders
- revoke any parole order made in NSW
- reinstate any parole order when appropriate
- revoke and reinstate any Intensive Correction Order (ICO)
- decline parole for terrorism related offenders unless it is satisfied that the offender will not engage in, incite, or assist others to engage in terrorist acts or violent extremism.
Last updated: 27 February 2025