Street address:

Holker Street
Silverwater NSW 2128

(02) 9289 5929

More information

The Metropolitan Remand and Reception Centre (MRRC) is a maximum-security correctional facility for male offenders.

The MRRC is one of 3 correctional facilities that make up the Silverwater Correctional Complex also located on site are Silverwater Women's and Dawn De Loas correctional centres.

Inmates who arrive at the MRRC:

  • Come directly from court on remand
  • Are staying at the MRRC while they attend court in the Sydney metropolitan area (before returning to their home centre)
  • Are staying at the MRRC while they wait for a vacancy at a centre that matches their classification.

Most inmates at the MRRC leave the centre within a few months of their arrival. Usually this occurs because they obtain bail (and release) or because they transfer to a centre that matches their classification.

For visiting hours and more information visit the centre's web page.

Last updated: 27 February 2025