- Street address:
Level 10, 10-14 Smith Street
Parramatta NSW 2150 - Postal address:
POX 927
Parramatta NSW 2124 - Phone:
- (02) 8688 3516
- Fax:
(02) 86883541
(02) 86883542
More information
The Industrial Relations Commission (IRC) is established under the Industrial Relations Act 1996 with conciliation and arbitral functions. The IRC conciliates and arbitrates to resolve industrial disputes, sets conditions of employment and fixes wages and salaries by making industrial awards, approves enterprise agreements and decides claims of unfair dismissal.
- Phone: 9:00am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday
- In person: 9:00am to 4:00pm, Monday to Friday
Court lists
Search the IRC court list via the NSW Online Registry
How to contact the Commission by email
Visit the IRC's Contact Us page to find out when to email the commission.