Postal address:

Information and Enquiries
Early Childhood Education and Care Directorate
NSW Department of Education and Communities
Locked Bag 5107

1800 619 113
(02) 8633 1810

More information

The Early Childhood Education Directorate (ECED) monitors, supports and regulates early childhood education services in NSW. We work to ensure the delivery of quality early education for children from birth up to and including school age.

Our staff are based at offices in central Sydney, Bankstown, Parramatta and regional NSW.

Through communicating and working in collaboration with a range of stakeholders and professionals who work with children in a range of early childhood education environments, we ensure the delivery of high quality services to build a better future for children.

As the NSW Regulatory Authority for early childhood education services, the Department of Education is responsible under the National Law and Regulations, for ensuring services meet the requirements to operate under the National Quality Framework.

The department is also responsible for implementing and administering state-based funding to continuously improve the quality of and access to early childhood education in NSW.

Last updated: 27 February 2025