Street address:

John Maddison Tower, Level 12
88 Goulburn Street
Sydney NSW 2000

Postal address:

Locked Bag 16
Haymarket NSW 1240

(02) 9377 5434

About the tribunal

The Dust Diseases Tribunal of NSW is a court that has exclusive jurisdiction to hear and determine damages claims from people who have been affected by dust diseases. Claims can also be brought by the dependents of those who have died from dust diseases.

Claims filed at the Dust Diseases Tribunal are usually placed into one of 2 categories:

  • asbestos-related claims 
  • other dust-related claims.

The Tribunal has different procedures for dealing with cases in each category.

It is highly recommended that plaintiffs engage legal counsel due to the complexity of most matters.

There is often a long time between exposure to dust, the appearance of symptoms and the diagnosis of a condition. For this reason, a special provision in the legislation allows claims for dust-related conditions to be bought at any time. 

The Dust Diseases Tribunal Act also provides for an award of provisional damages where a person is currently suffering from a dust disease but can also prove there is a chance he or she could develop another dust disease in the future.

Last updated: 27 February 2025