Street address:

6 Parramatta Square
10 Darcy Street
Parramatta NSW 2150

Postal address:

Locked Bag 5000
Parramatta NSW 2124


The Bureau is a statistical and research agency established in 1969.

Its four main areas of activity are:

  • developing and maintaining statistical databases on crime and criminal justice in NSW
  • conducting research on crime and criminal justice issues and problems
  • monitoring trends in crime and criminal justice
  • providing information and advice on crime and criminal justice in NSW.

The Bureau's services include: 

  • publishing regular reports which
    • summarise statistical information on recorded crimes and criminal court appearances, and
    • identify trends in crime and justice
  • publishing the results of research that evaluates hypotheses and assumptions about crime and criminal justice
  • providing, on request, statistical information on criminal offences reported to police and on criminal court appearances.

The Bureau's publications and statistical information service are available to members of the public.

Tools and statistics

Last updated: 27 February 2025