When to complete a letter of authority

A letter of authority is a legal document that authorises a third party to act on behalf of a business.

The person completing the letter of authority must be listed as an associate of the business on the Australian Business Register (ABR).

You will need to complete a letter of authority if:

  • you would like to nominate someone within your business who is not listed as an associate on the ABR to act on behalf of your business – use sample text A as a base for your letter
  • you would like your accountant, tax agent or BAS agent to act on behalf of your business – use sample text B as a base for your letter.

Applicants must consent to Service NSW conducting an audit of documents used to support the application to participate in the program to verify information provided.

What to include in a letter of authority

The information we require in a letter of authority is described in the following sample letters.

Incomplete information may result in delays in processing your application, or we may ask you to provide a new letter with the correct information.

How to write a letter of authority

Business letterhead

  • Create a letter using your business letterhead.
  • Copy and paste the text from either
    • sample text A, if someone from your business is acting on behalf of the business
    • sample text B, if your accountant, tax agent or BAS agent is acting on behalf of your business.
  • Where you see the square brackets [ ], insert the details for your business.
  • Sign the letter of authority or insert a digital signature.


If you do not have business letterhead, you can provide a letter of authority by email from your business email address.

  • Copy and paste the text from either
    • sample text A, if someone from your business is acting on behalf of the business
    • sample text B, if your accountant, tax agent or BAS agent is acting on behalf of your business.
  • Where you see the square brackets [ ], insert your specific details.
  • Insert an email signature (if you have one).

Sample text A: alternative business associate authorisation

To whom it may concern

I, [insert full name as recorded in the ABR] am an Associate of [insert registered business name and ACN/ABN] (‘the Business’) listed on the Australian Business Register and authorised to act on behalf of the Business. My position in relation to the Business is [insert your position title/role]

I authorise [insert full name, position title/role and contact details of the authorised person] to:

  • apply for the business to be registered as an Active and Creative Kids provider on behalf of the Business; and

  • act on behalf of the Business in matters related to the Active and Creative Kids registered provider application.

[full name and title of authorised ABR associate]

[date and signature of authorised ABR associate]

[phone number of the business]

[commercial address of the business]

Sample text B: authorise your accountant, tax agent or BAS agent

If you are a qualified accountant, registered tax agent or registered BAS agent applying on behalf of a business.

Your client must complete a letter of authority on their company letterhead using sample text B if:

  • you are a qualified accountant, registered tax agent or registered BAS agent
  • your client has asked you to register on their behalf for a grant, scheme or support program administered by Service NSW.

We will ask you to submit your client's signed letter during the online application process.

To whom it may concern

I, [insert full name as recorded in the ABR] am an Associate for [insert registered business name and ACN/ABN] (‘the Business’) listed on the Australian Business Register and am authorised to act on behalf of the Business. My position in relation to the Business is [insert position title/role].

I authorise [insert registered business name of the authorised accountant/tax agent/BAS agent, ABN/ACN, professional registration number and contact number] to:

  • apply for registration as an Active and Creative Kids provider on behalf of the Business; and
  • act on behalf of the Business in matters related to the Active and Creative Kids registered provider application.

[Important: Delete the next paragraph if you do not want the funds to be paid to your nominated accountant/ tax agent/ BAS agent ]

I authorise [insert name of authorised accountant/tax agent/BAS agent] to receive any funds that may be payable to the Business, if the application is approved, and I authorise Service NSW to deposit such funds into the account nominated by [name of authorised accountant/tax agent/BAS agent].

[full name and title of authorised ABR associate]

[date and signature of authorised ABR associate]

[phone number of the business]

[commercial address of the business]


Giving false or misleading information is a serious offence under Part 5A of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW). A person convicted of an offence under Part 5A of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) is liable to imprisonment for up to 2 years and/or a fine of up to $22,000.

Last updated: 28 May 2024

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