Border towns

Provider eligibility

You may be able to apply to become an Active and Creative Kids voucher Registered Provider if your business:

Eligible activities

The activity must:

  • be one that is not readily available or accessible to NSW residents in nearby NSW towns
  • not be considered an ineligible activity as per the Terms and Conditions for Registered Providers.

Evidence requirements

Examples of evidence that you meet the eligible activities requirement can include documents that show:

  1. a demand for the eligible activity from NSW families
  2. you already provide the eligible activity to NSW-based children
  3. you are the only provider of the eligible activity for NSW residents in neighbouring towns.

Online providers

Provider eligibility

You may be able to apply to become an Active and Creative Kids voucher Registered Provider if your business:

  • is based in NSW
  • delivers an eligible activity online
  • provides an activity that cannot be delivered in person because:
    • children are unable to attend as they live in a rural or remote town
    • you or the children doing the activity have disabilities
  • meets all other requirements set out in the program Terms and Conditions and Guidelines
  • is assessed by Service NSW to meet the eligibility criteria for provider exemptions.

Eligible activities

The activity must meet the following requirements and not be considered an ineligible activity as per the Terms and Conditions for Registered Providers.

The eligible activity you provide online must be delivered:

  • interactively and in real-time (live) through online platforms such as Microsoft Teams, Skype and Zoom
  • to no more than 20 participants per lesson
  • in a way that does not include items, equipment or materials that would usually be purchased from a retailer and paid for as part of participating in an activity.

Evidence requirements

The following evidence must be collected from providers wishing to deliver an online activity.

  1. Delivering an activity to children in rural or remote towns
  • Documents detailing:
    • which rural/remote town/s are being targeted for the online activity and why (this may include evidence from local community members requesting the activity)
    • how the online activity is marketed to children in the target rural/remote town/s
    • the number of children who have accessed the online activity to date in specified rural/remote town/s to inform demand.
      Note: The evidence must demonstrate that most (70%) vouchers for the nominated activities are being redeemed by children from rural/remote areas.
  1. Delivery by a provider with disabilities who cannot deliver in-person
  • Letter from a medical professional or other healthcare professional specifying that the person cannot deliver the activity in-person.
  1. Delivering an activity to children with disabilities who cannot access the activity in-person
  • Documents detailing:
    • how the online activity caters to the needs of children with a disability (including reasonable adjustments made for different disability requirements)
    • how the online activity is being marketed and communicated to families with children with a disability (including if the activity is part of an NDIS approved program or similar)
    • the number of children with a disability who have accessed the online activity to date to inform demand.
      Note: The evidence must demonstrate that most (70%) vouchers for the nominated activities are being redeemed by children with a disability.


Provider eligibility

You may be able to apply to become an Active and Creative Kids voucher Registered Provider if your school:

  • is not providing a ‘School Activity’ as per the program Terms and Conditions for Registered Providers definitions
  • is required to be a Registered Provider because there is no other entity with an ABN that can register
  • meets all other requirements set out in the program Terms and Conditions and Guidelines
  • is assessed by Service NSW to meet the eligibility criteria for provider exemptions.

Eligible activities

The activity must not be considered an ineligible activity as per the Terms and Conditions for Registered Providers.

If a facility is required for the delivery of the eligible activity (such as a tennis court or swimming pool), the facility must be available to the general public.

Child safe requirements

To participate in the Active and Creative Kids voucher program, providers must submit one of the following:

Providers must also ensure all staff and volunteers comply with applicable child safety legislation.


All providers must align with the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations and show evidence of alignment by completing one of the following:

If you have a Child Safe Policy that aligns with the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations, submit the policy with your application.


Applications will be assessed by Service NSW:

Providers will need to ensure child safe requirements are met and that they comply with all other requirements set out in the program Terms and Conditions and Guidelines.


For definitions, see the Terms and Conditions.

Last updated: 18 December 2024