If you’re considering appealing a fine, licence or registration issue, use this guide to find out:

  • the different options you have
  • how the local court system works
  • what to expect if you choose to attend or represent yourself.

What to do if you have received a fine

Going to court for a fine

If you choose to have your matter heard in court, ensure you understand the potential costs and time involved. Find out more about going to court for a fine.

Representing yourself in court

  • If you’re considering representing yourself in court, it is a good idea to get legal advice before making your final decision.
  • The Online Registry gives you access to your case information and file documents, and manages your profile in the NSW Courts and Tribunals services. If you want to represent yourself in court, find out about:
    • setting up an account
    • lodging a Statement of Claim
    • filing defence without legal representation
    • the Local Court Small Claims guide for self-represented parties.

What to expect when you go to court

The following information explains what to expect when you go to court, including what to wear, the people you will see and the behaviour expected when you're inside a court room.

Understand your journey as a defendant and the court process from when the Court Attendance Notice is issued up to sentencing.

Last updated: 19 February 2025

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